What are the impediments / obstacles to a marriage?
Canon 1073 A diriment impediment renders a person incapable of validly contracting a marriage.

Supreme authority of the Church (can. 1075) established 12 diriment impediments:
1. impediment of age (can. 1083)
2. impediment of impotence (can. 1984)
3. impediment of previous bond (can. 1085)
Natural Marriage- Between non-baptized (Non-sacramental marriage), even though they have divorced civilly, the natural or previous bond remains. The person(s) cannot validly contract another marriage in Catholic church without first obtaining nullity, Pauline Privilege or in favorem fidei (in favour of the faith). (Cf. Can. 1143 & 1150.)
4. impediment of disparity of cult (can. 1086)
5. impediment of holy orders (can. 1987)
6. impediment of public perpetual vow of chastity (can. 1088)
7. impediment of abduction (can. 1089)
8. impediment of crime (can. 1090)
9. impediment of consanguinity (can. 1091) (Blood Relationship)
10. impediment of affinity (can. 1092) (through valid Marriage)
11. impediment of public propriety (can. 1093) (Cohabitation)
12. impediment of legal relationship (can. 1094) (Adoption)