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Priests Gather to Pray the Rosary Live on Special Day


“The priesthood is the love of the heart of Jesus.” – St John Marie Vianney

On the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, instituted as the World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests by Pope St John Paul II in 2002, the NBVM-SCIC parish hosted around 50 priests from all over the country to a virtual Rosary gathering. The special event was broadcasted live on the parish’s Facebook page where around 300 viewers joined in to pray with the priests.

In his welcome address, Rev Fr Dominic Santhiyagu shared that the day of prayer is aimed to encourage priests to reflect upon the importance and dignity of their vocation. He added that he was grateful to God for the opportunity for priests and laity to gather virtually as one people of God to pray the Rosary for the sanctification of all. Fr Dom also sought the intercession of the Blessed Mother for healing, an end to the pandemic and the whole world.

The prayer gathering led by Rev Fr Francis Andrew began with a prayer for priests and was followed by the proclamation of the Holy Gospel and a reflection on the Blessed Virgin Mary and the priesthood.

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